#Wissenschaft von morgen

Promoting cutting-edge research for a sustainable future

@Linda Granowske | @Sandra Nioduschewski | @Sascha Bicke

  1. Support for funding applications: We support researchers in applying for third-party funding and offer comprehensive advice on how to obtain financial support for promising projects.
  2. Flagship projects: We look for successful projects with high societal benefits and provide targeted funding to maximize their impact.
  3. Acquisition formats: We build interdisciplinary networks and collaborations to develop innovative solutions to complex problems.
  4. Impact: We attach great importance to measuring and maximizing the social and regional impact of our funded projects.

#Hochschule im Dialog

Building bridges between science and society for shared understanding

@Sara Schulz | @Sandra Nioduschewski

  1. Science communication: We make scientific findings accessible through lectures, workshops and multimedia content and promote dialog between experts and the public.
  2. Trade fair appearances: We use trade fairs as a platform for informal talks and discussions about current scientific developments.
  3. Transfer initiatives: We link scientific findings with everyday applications to illustrate the importance of research and offer practical insights.

#Mobiler Showroom

Science you can touch

@Maximilian Druselmann | @Thomas Füldner

Our "hands-on science" concept brings science directly to the people and enables interactive experiments in our region.

Click here for the mobile showroom!

#Innovationsnetzwerke und Wissensaustausch

Promoting innovation through interdisciplinary exchange and networking

@Maximilian Druselmann | @Sandra Nioduschewski

  1. Environment monitoring: We monitor developments in science, business and the region in order to identify opportunities for innovative projects and prepare aggregated evaluations and analyses

@Thomas Füldner | @Sascha Bicke

  1. Exchange and networking: We link research and practice in order to develop applicable solutions for the regional economy and to create new perspectives and ideas.
  2. Regional development: We strengthen the ties between science and the region of Northern Thuringia.




Creating synergies through an open university

@Linda Granowske | @Valeria Rademeier | @Sascha Bicke

  1. Methodical data collection: In a structured process, we collect valuable information and insights into the interests, expertise and challenges of our researchers.
  2. Competence clustering at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences: We strategically bundle the competencies and departments of our university in a competence map in order to promote cooperation between different disciplines and develop innovative solutions for complex challenges.


Shaping the future through digitalization, collaborative work and knowledge management

@Sandra Nioduschewski | @Maximilian Druselmann | @Sara Schulz

  1. Digitalization: We use the transformative power of digitalization to optimise processes, open up new opportunities and introduce modern technologies. Our digitalization strategies lay the foundation for sustainable development.
  2. Collaborative (network) work: We promote collaboration across disciplines and organizations by creating platforms for the exchange of ideas and resources. Networks and partnerships strengthen innovation and accelerate the implementation of projects.
  3. Knowledge management: Effective knowledge management is the key to sustainable progress. We rely on intelligent systems and strategies to collect, organize and share knowledge so that experience and insights can be incorporated into the design of new solutions.

#Praxis (Plus): Dual Studieren mithilfe Studium Praxis (Plus)

Dual study at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences - theory and practice hand in hand

@Thomas Füldner | @Maximilian Druselmann

#Praxis (Plus)is an innovative study concept at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences that enables dual degrees in Bachelor's and Master's programs.

Practice partners and cooperations: We maintain close relationships with regional companies, organizations and institutions. These connections enable us to identify the right contact points at the university in terms of internships. Thanks to these collaborations, students have the opportunity to learn from experienced experts and actively participate in innovative projects.